November 2020
More Than Just a Job
Work is more than just getting a paycheck. If all things are to be for the glory of God, then where God places us to work should be for his glory. Work shapes us and we can shape it. Watch Here
Discerning Yourself and Your Calling
Exodus 31:1-5 What are you going to be when you grow up? In figuring that out, each should discern how God made each of us and we’re interested in. That’s when work fits, instead of giving us fits! Watch Here
“Work” is not a 4-Letter Word
Genesis 1:26-2:1 God created work for Adam and Eve and called it very good. Work is part of God’s design for our lives. But, sin corrupts all things, including work, and it becomes tiring. But, as Jesus transforms our lives, he can transform our work as well. Watch Here