May 2021
Jon Kim was our guest preacher on Pentecost Sunday. (This is not part of the Who’s That series.) Romans 8:22-27 Through the redemptive work of Christ, God has given us His Spirit. The Spirit strengthens and empowers us to be hopeful in hopelessness, patient in stressful circumstances and faithful as Christ was faithful. […]
Who’s That? – Joel
The message of Joel is about the coming judgment upon the Tribe of Judah. It is a message of God’s love and grace and compassion for his children, not of harsh punishment. Watch Here
Who’s That? Uzzah
Uzzah was struck dead when he seemingly kept the Ark of the Covenant from falling. In reading the story, it seems like God was incredibly unfair, even cruel. But maybe there’s more going on in the story… Watch Here
Who’s That? Jephthah
The story of Jephthah and his daughter is jarring and troubling. Yet, there is something deeper happening than just a rash vow. Jephthah callously tried to manipulate God and the circumstances to get what he wanted. But, a sovereign God cannot be manipulated! Watch Here
April 2021
Who’s That? Gideon
God was faithful to Gideon throughout his life, but not in the way we may think. In spite of Gideon’s own fear, his own weakness, his own family conflict, his own doubt, and life’s overwhelming odds, God used him. Watch Here
Who’s That? Deborah and Jael
Jael was an ordinary wife. Yet in the mess of life, with questionable morals and motives, an ordinary person can be used by God to carry out his will. Watch Here
Who’s That? Bezalel
The Holy Spirit filled Bezalel to design and craft a beautiful tabernacle. This beauty reflects the beauty and splendor of God’s creation as he Tabernacles among us. Watch Here