May 2018
STOP!!! – Exodus 20:8-11, Deuteronomy 5:12-15
The world is dying for lack of rest. We are working ourselves to death. God, in his wisdom, gave us the answer – Sabbath. Sabbath means “STOP!” It sounds so negative. But, God gave us Sabbath not to limit what we can do but free us to live more fully. In order to restore our […]
Work and Rest – A Sacred Rhythm – Genesis 1, Exodus 20:8-11, Deuteronomy 5:12-15
God didn’t create us to be production machines. God didn’t create us to be constantly busy. God created us to enjoy what he created. He created us to enjoy a relationship with himself, relationships with others, and enjoyment of his creation.
Just the Way God Made Us, Part 1 – Small Church Essentials
God has made Horizon the church he wants us to be. So, if we are just the way God made us, we are called to “be” that well. Instead of asking “Our church is small, so what?” we can ask, “Our church is small, now what?” and live out who God calls us to be. […]
Celebrating The Lord’s Supper Prayer Service
There are many different perspectives or themes that explore the richness of the Lord’s Supper. We will explore 6 themes in the service: remembering, proclamation, fellowship, thanksgiving, self-examination, expectation.
April 2018
Love of God’s Word – Proverbs 3
God’s Wisdom is found in his Word. Knowing the word, and keeping it in your heart, then living it out, brings God’s blessings to our lives.
Love of God’s Word – Psalm 119
God has given us his word, the Bible, not just for the sake of giving us information. Through his word, God reveals himself. The author of Psalm 119 devotes himself to God’s instructions for life and holds onto God’s promises for obedient living. It is a call to be devoted to the word of God […]
Encountering Jesus on the Road Luke 24:13-35 & Acts 9:1-9
Road to Emmaus and Road to Damascus. Traveling on the roads of life, we encounter Jesus. Sometimes it’s really obvious – like Saul on the Road to Damascus. Sometimes we realize looking back that Jesus has been there all along – like the disciples on the Road to Emmaus. Part of traveling through our lives […]
He is Not Here – Matthew 27:62-28:15
Jesus rose from the dead. He is not there. Mary and Mary meet Jesus on the road and realize that he is risen. Then Jesus tells them to tell the disciples. The Pharisees realize this as well, but they don’t want the truth to come out, so they come up with a conspiracy to deny […]
March 2018
They Shouted “Crucify Him” – Matthew 27:11-31
Here is the choice – release a convicted murder or release a perfect man. Seems easy, doesn’t it? But maybe it’s not? Who is more dangerous? The perfect Christ, who has authority over us, who convicts us of our sin and makes us realize who we are before a Holy God, or a know criminal […]
Betrayal – Matthew 26:47-27:10
Betrayed. Not only by one of his disciples, Judas, but by one of his closest friends, Peter. Jesus is betrayed, not only by his disciples, but by each of us in our life as well. The question for us then is this: How do we respond? Judas and Peter both felt remorse. But there was […]
Growing in Faithful Giving – Part 2: Our Response
Stewardship and faithful giving: It’s a spiritual issue. Will we follow Jesus as Lord by trusting him and following his instructions? Will we surrender ourselves fully so that we can experience the blessings that he promises?
Growing in Faithful Giving – Part 2: Our Response
Stewardship and faithful giving: It’s a spiritual issue. Will we follow Jesus as Lord by trusting him and following his instructions? Will we surrender ourselves fully so that we can experience the blessings that he promises?
February 2018
Growing in Faithful Giving – Part 1: God’s Teaching
The inbreaking of God’s Kingdom leaves no part of our lives untouched and that includes the relationship to money. God’s instructions throughout the whole Bible about the faithful use of what he gives us includes our giving back to him.
Generosity – a Reflection of the Soul
Out of God’s abundance, he is generous to us in mercy and love. As followers of Christ, we are called to reflect God’s generosity. We are called to be rich in good deeds, be generous, and willing to share. Reflecting God’s generous heart comes with a blessing.
Stewardship – Our Relationship with Our Stuff
There is a direct connection between our spiritual maturity and health and our attitudes and actions regarding our money and possessions. Jesus teaches more about our relationship to our money and possessions than heaven or hell, faith, or prayer. How we view these things is of eternal importance.
January 2018
Confession – When I Turn Back To God – Pastor Jon Hoekema
It has been said that “Confession is good for the soul.” The prayer of confession and repentance helps us with our guilt and shame. It restores our relationship with God and helps us restore our relationships with one another.
Intercession – When you really need God to show up – Pastor Jon Hoekema
Intercession is praying out of love for others so that God will do for them what they cannot do for themselves. God calls us to pray and to bring others before him and ask him to work.
Prayers For Everyday Life
Connecting With God PRAYERS FOR EVERYDAY LIFE – Praise & Thanks – When Life is Going Well When life goes well, do we forget God? Instead of assuming that life keeps rolling along, we should give God praise and thanks and not forget the one who blesses us.
Praise and Thanks – Pastor Jon Hoekema
Praise & Thanks – When Life is Going Well When life goes well, do we forget God? Instead of assuming that life keeps rolling along, we should give God praise and thanks and not forget the one who blesses us.
December 2017
Overwhelmed by Silence – Luke 1:67-79
Tired of the constant noise? Tired of the Christmas ads that started in October? Learn to be Overwhelmed by silence so that you can rest and hear God from this Christmas.
Overwhelmed by Silence – Luke 1:67-79
Tired of the constant noise? Tired of the Christmas ads that started in October? Learn to be Overwhelmed by silence so that you can rest and hear God from this Christmas.