What We Believe


The Bible

The Bible is inspired by God to give us instructions for living life to the fullest in this world he has created. Each of us is on a journey of faith where we should be asking how we are to best live out the life of Jesus. This leads us to explore and wrestle with God’s Word, both communally and individually as we further our journey of faith, seeking to love the Lord with our whole being – mind, body, soul, emotions and experience.


God’s salvation is for the whole person and his redemption is for every part of creation. We share the good news of God’s grace through Jesus Christ and invite people into a relationship with him. Jesus Christ is our only hope for the complete renewal of our relationships with God, with each other, with ourselves and with all of creation.

The Church

The church is called to be a compelling force for good in this world. It is not made to serve itself, but to serve and love this world. God is already at work in the world and we are invited to join him to relieve suffering, fight injustice and oppression, meet the needs of the poor, and engage in making a transforming difference in the lives of our neighbors, in our community, and in this world.

One Another

God has created each person to image God. To best image God, we live our life together in deep, significant relationships. Living deeply with one another includes sharing each other’s burdens, celebrating with one another, correcting each other in love, confessing our sins to each other, sharing our possessions, and praying for each other. God works in and through community. Life as a follower of Jesus is not meant to be lived alone.
Horizon Community Church is part of the Christian Reformed Church denomination.